
  • Iringa
  • 2 Museum

Nestled in the heart of Tanzania, Iringa captivates with its vibrant culture and breathtaking landscapes. This charming town, surrounded by rolling hills, is a gateway to the Southern Highlands. Renowned for its red-brick architecture and warm hospitality, Iringa offers a glimpse into Tanzania's rich history and traditions.

Gangilonga Rock is a massive granite sticking out in Tanzania's Iringa Region, around 5 km from Iringa town

0830hrs - 1630hrs
Gangilonga, Iringa Municipal

Dive into the depths of maritime history at the International Submarine Museum. Explore the fascinating world of underwater vessels and brave explorers.

9:30 - 18:00, Monday Until 20:00
Bodestraße 1-3, 10178 Berlin, Germany
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